Sunday, August 21, 2011

the end is here!

feel hard to let myself disappointing ppl that tried to take advantage on me.. cuz it's not me at all... but at the same time i'm relieved as this week has reached... bye suckers!! and my ears were open all this time.. don't think i dunno what u guys being thinking and talking bout me =)'s expected from my plan...

Saturday, July 16, 2011


shall i keep post anything in here.. it's pretty dead and i'm sure nobody's reading... but i wonder how on earth that the readership indicator shows i got more than 1500 visits.. i don't keep on pressing the F5 button. it's a rape cast. i'm not that desperate... =.=
anyway i've not uploaded any other pics of the tea art exhibition.. sigh~

Tuesday, May 3, 2011



F               Am     Dm              Am
   到最後 终於还是要离开  不要哭 他说我们不要哭
   到今天 回到相约的地点  才发现 身上带着那个钟
       Bb                Am    Dm   Gm            C                  F
   点了一杯咖啡  放下一个小小的钟   约定了时间不要说再见 然後我们各西东
   点了一杯咖啡  加了一点一点心碎   想起那一天没有说再见 忍不住有点心酸
  Dm               Am     Bb               F    A7
   忘了他  要我怎麽忘了他  放了吧  就像放开手中沙
   忘了他  要我怎麽忘了他  放了吧  一切都是水中花
  Dm               Am    Dm      Bb    C         Dm
   如果啊  如此深爱还是虚假我将永远迷失在无边的海洋
   是他吧  彷佛看见他的长发从最熟悉走到最陌生的挣扎
  Dm               Am   Dm       Bb    C         Dm
   看见他  有一些话请告诉他有些爱是真的谁都不用害怕

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

exam starts in 2 more days.... when can i really sit down and take a look at the notes?